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Bay Runner Insulation Systems®

Bay Runner is an advanced commercial solution that delivers worker protection and installation cost-savings that surpass industry standards and expectations for roofing insulation installations.

Bay Runner is a patented* fall prevention and fall protection facing-first insulation system for insulating and roofing metal buildings. The Bay Runner system has been tested and approved by an independent third party laboratory for OSHA Standards regarding both fall prevention and fall protection.

The Bay Runner Insulation Systems has been designed to not only provide a safe method of insulating a metal-building roof, it also provides a very efficient method of set-up and operation. The Bay Runner system arrives at the job site ready to quickly and easily be placed on the roof. Once on the roof, the manpower required to operate the system is very minimal, allowing for more time and manpower spent roofing.

*Patents No.: US 11,414,872 B2, US 11,753,828 B2

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